Declaration concerning the protection of personal data
(1) As stipulated by the Spanish law for the protection of personal data, law 15/1999 as of December 13th (Ley Orgánica 15/1999 de 13 de Diciembre de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal, from here on “law” or “LOPD”),We Love Spain Corp SL herewith informs you, the visitor or customer, that data that you enter or generate on this website may be electronically stored and processed in order to provide personalized services and information and/or for the sale of products that are offered on this website. The type of data stored and the method of storage has been communicated to and verified by the Spanish Data Protection Agency (Registro General de la Agencia de Protección de Datos). The sole responsibility for the data rests with We Love Spain Corp SL – B05453634 / Carrer de la Mediterranea 1, 07800 Ibiza, Islas Baleares, Spain.
(2) By using this website and by entering data into forms, including forms that are part of the booking process, you explicitly agree to and accept the collection of personal data as described in the previous paragraph. We will always inform you, either by means of a hyperlink with further explanations or by descriptions in the form, if data in a form is optional or mandatory. If you register on our site and / or enter into a contractual relationship through our site, we will only ask for the data that is necessary for rendering our services.
(3) Please note that in accordance with the data protection law Ley Orgánica 15/1999 you have the right to access, correction, deletion and objection of your personal data that has been collected as described in the previous paragraphs. You can send the signed request together with a copy of your national identity card / passport via mail to We Love Spain Corp SL – B05453634 / Carrer de la Mediterranea 1, 07800 Ibiza, Islas Baleares, Spain.
Alternatively, you may address your request via email to
(4) We Love Spain Corp SL – B05453634 informs you that, as mentioned above, we will collect data from you that are necessary for the delivery of our services when you register on our site or when you enter into a contractual relationship through our site. It is your responsibility to ensure the correctness and accuracy of this data.
(5) When using the website, you agree to and accept the usage of cookies and IP-tracking for statistical reasons by We Love Spain Corp SL – B05453634 . You can find more details on this in our declaration on the usage of cookies and Google Analytics.
(6) We Love Spain Corp SL – B05453634 is committed to appropriately use the collected data within the boundaries of the LOPD and only for the delivery of its services, to maintain confidentiality and to take all necessary measures to protect the data from change, loss and unauthorized access as elaborated in the Real Decreto 1720/2007 of the LOPD.
(7) The personal data provided by you will be automatically processed and electronically stored in We Love Spain Corp SL – B05453634 databases. We Love Spain Corp SL – B05453634 is the sole owner and responsible maintainer for these databases which have been registered with the Registro General de la Agencia de Protección de Datos.
When asking for personal data, we clearly highlight mandatory data fields. Please note that optional data may help us provide a better service. If not provided, it might lead to a reduction in quality of our services.
(8) The underlying reason for the automated processing of your personal data during the registration or the usage of the website or any other transaction or service that is provided by this website is the maintenance and implementation of the contractual relationship between you and the owner of this website and its partners (providers of touristic services).
(9) Furthermore, if you give your consent your personal data may be used for the provisioning, processing, management, extension and improvement of additional services. Examples for such services are:
• If you signed up for our newsletter, your personal data (your email address) will be used for the delivery of the newsletter.
• If you contacted us via email or through the contact form on the website, we will use your personal data only for our answer to your question.
In all cases we will ensure compliance with the requirements of articles 22.1 and 22.2 of the law 34/2002 from the 11th of July 2002 on Services in the Information Society and E-Business (servicios de la sociedad de la información y de comercio electrónico), which has been modified by article 4 of the royal decree 13/2012 in its most recent revision (art 4 real decreto-ley 13/2012).
(10)We Love Spain Corp SL – B05453634 guarantees you full confidentiality of your data. However, we reserve the right to disclose data to government authorities and other authorized thirds parties if this is stipulated by law or necessary to protect ourselves from claims and demands of any kind. Due to the above mentioned reasons, data may be stored beyond the end of the business relationship if this is in accordance with the law.
(11) If you sign-up for our newsletter, your email address will be used solely for our own advertising campaigns until you cancel your subscription. A cancellation can be made at any time by e.g. clicking on the cancellation link in the newsletter email. Alternatively, you may also contact us via mail or phone. The data necessary for the distribution of the email newsletter will be stored by an external email marketing service provider.